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Available Editions

PIDI : Planar Reflections 4 is available in multiple editions to adapt to all kinds of developers and projects, whether you are working solo or with a team, on a simple mobile game or in a major multi-platform title our asset can adapt to all workflows and setups. This section will help you find out which edition of PIDI : Planar Reflections will suit you best.

Q . Does your team have more than 5 people that will use the asset directly? (its code, to design levels, to test, etc. )
A . You should get the Team Edition, as this will allow you to save money you would otherwise spend on multiple per-seat licenses. It includes support for all three rendering pipelines ( Legacy, Universal and HD )

Q . Are you using the Legacy Rendering pipeline or more than one SRP in your project ?
A . You should get the Ultimate Edition. It supports all three rendering pipelines allowing you to easily switch between them as needed. It has a per-seat license, meaning that every developer using it directly must have a valid license.

Q . Is your project using only one rendering pipeline ? (Universal or HD)
A . Get the corresponding edition, either PIDI : Planar Reflections 4 – URP Edition or PIDI : Planar Reflections 4 – HDRP Edition. These are fully featured editions with support for only one rendering pipeline, which makes them cheaper. They have a per-seat license, meaning that every developer using the asset directly must have a valid license.

Q . Are you making a mobile game?
A . If you are just starting, consider using the URP Edition since it is cheaper and the Universal Rendering Pipeline is designed with less powerful devices (such as mobile) in mind. If your project is already being developed with the Legacy Pipeline, get the Ultimate Edition.

If you have further questions about which edition of our software is best for you or about some specific features and capabilities of the asset, please check our FAQ or contact us using our support form here in case you can’t find an answer.

If you want to know the differences and limitations of our asset on each rendering pipeline please go here.