Class in XFurStudio.Core. Inherits from MonoBehaviour.
Property |
Type |
Description |
Settings |
XFurStudioInstanceSettings |
The settings for this XFur Studio Instance. |
RenderingResources |
XFurRenderingResources |
The internal rendering resources of this instance, like its material, shaders and current rendering pipeline |
FurDataProfiles |
FurProfileData[] |
The internal fur profile data sets to be assigned to each material |
CustomModules |
XFurStudioModuleAsset[] |
The Custom Modules array assigned to this instance |
IsSkinnedMesh |
bool |
Whether the current mesh displaying the fur is a skinned mesh or not |
CurrentMesh |
Mesh |
The current mesh used to display the fur |
CurrentFurRenderer |
XFurMeshRendererData |
The renderer currently in use to display the fur |
RandomizationModule |
XFurRandomizationModule |
The randomization module assigned to this instance |
LODModule |
XFurLodModule |
The Dynamic LOD module assigned to this instance |
PhysicsModule |
XFurPhysicsModule |
The Physics Module assigned to this instance |
VFXModule |
XFurVFXModule |
The VFX Module assigned to this instance |
DecalsModule |
XFurDecalsModule |
The UV Decals module assigned to this instance |
SimpleBendingModule |
XFurSimpleBendingModule |
The Simple Bending module assigned to this instance |
DynamicMasksModule |
XFurDynamicMaskingModule |
The Dynamic Masking module assigned to this instance |
WeatherManager |
XFurWeatherManager |
The global XFur Wind and Weather manager affecting this fur simulation |
void GetFurData( int index, out FurProfileData furProfileData )
Parameter |
Description |
int index |
The index of the material for which we will retrieve all fur properties |
FurProfileData furProfileData |
The output FurProfileData struct the requested properties |
It retrieves all fur properties set for a given material index on this XFur Studio Instance as a FurProfileData struct. Result is passed by value and therefore the original properties will remain unchanged.
void ReplaceFurData( int index, FurProfileData data )
void ReplaceFurData( int index, FurProfileAsset asset )
Parameter |
Description |
int index |
The index of the material that will receive the new properties |
FurProfileData data |
The FurProfileData struct with the properties we want to set |
FurProfileAsset asset |
Alternatively, a FurProfileAsset can be used to set the data of the material |
It replaces the fur profile properties of a given material with the properties contained in the given FurProfileData or the internal profile of a FurProfileAsset
void SetFurData( int index, FurProfileData data, bool replaceColorMap, bool replaceDataMaps, bool replaceColorMix, bool replaceStrandsMap )
void SetFurData( int index, FurProfileAsset asset, bool replaceColorMap, bool replaceDataMaps, bool replaceColorMix, bool replaceStrandsMap )
Parameter |
Description |
int index |
The index of the material that will receive the new properties |
FurProfileAsset data |
The FurProfileData struct with the properties we want to set |
FurProfileAsset asset |
Alternatively, a FurProfileAsset can be used to set the data of the material |
bool replaceColorMap |
Optional. Whether to replace the color map and properties or not |
bool replaceDataMaps |
Optional. Whether to replace the data and grooming or not |
bool replaceColorMix |
Optional. Whether to replace the color variation properties or not |
bool replaceStrandsMap |
Optional. Whether to replace the strands map or not |
Sets the fur profile data for a given index, with fine control over which data gets replaced and which remains untouched.
void UpdateFurMaterials( bool forceUpdate )
Parameter |
Description |
bool forceUpdate |
Optional. Forces an update regardless of the auto-update settings. |
Applies all changes to the fur properties across all materials and forcefully updates any modules that work on the render loop