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Class in XFurStudio.Core. Used for dynamic painting and styling at runtime and in the Editor.



void LoadPaintResources( )

Loads all the necessary resources to paint and edit the fur at runtime, including all color mixing and 3D painting shaders.


void Groom( XFurStudioInstance target, int matIndex, Vector3 brushCenter, Vector3 brushNormal, float brushSize, float brushOpacity, float brushHardness, Vector3 groomDirection, bool invert = false )



XFurStudioInstance target

The XFur Studio Instance we will be grooming

int matIndex

The fur material that we will be applying the grooming effect to

Vector3 brushCenter

The center in world space coordinates of the virtual 3D brush

Vector3 brushNormal

The direction in which the brush is “looking” or being applied

float brushSize

The size of the brush, its radius as a 3D sphere

float brushOpacity

The opacity of the brush. Affects the strength of the effect

float brushHardness

The hardness of the brush. Makes the strength of the effect more or less uniform when going from the center to the outer portion of the brush

Vector3 groomDirection

The direction in which the brush is moving, in world space coordinates

bool invert

Whether the effect should be inverted (grooming should be removed instead of being applied over the fur)

Allows dynamic grooming of the fur of an XFur Studio instance through code at runtime. For implementations of this function you can look at the XFur Studio™ Designer code or, for a more runtime-oriented application, to the XFur Painter Object source code.


void Paint( XFurStudioInstance target, PaintDataMode painterMode, int matIndex, Vector3 brushCenter, Vector3 brushNormal, float brushSize, float brushOpacity, float brushHardness, Color brushColor )



XFurStudioInstance target

The XFur Studio Instance we will be grooming

PaintDataMode painterMode

Enum indicating the kind of value that will be painted into the fur

int matIndex

The fur material that we will be applying the grooming effect to

Vector3 brushCenter

The center in world space coordinates of the virtual 3D brush

Vector3 brushNormal

The direction in which the brush is “looking” or being applied

float brushSize

The size of the brush, its radius as a 3D sphere

float brushOpacity

The opacity of the brush. Affects the strength of the effect

float brushHardness

The hardness of the brush. Makes the strength of the effect more or less uniform when going from the center to the outer portion of the brush

Color brushColor

The color of the brush we will be painting with

Allows dynamic data painting for the different fur property maps of an XFur Instance using a virtual world space based brush. For implementations of this function you can look at the XFur Studio™ Designer code or, for a more runtime-oriented application, to the XFur Painter Object source code.