Struct in XFurStudio.Core
Property |
Type |
Description |
version |
XFurRenderingPipeline |
The version of this FurProfileData. Used for self-updating |
useProbes |
bool |
Enables compatibility with Unity Light Probes |
castShadows |
bool |
Whether the fur will cast shadows or not |
receiveShadows |
bool |
Whether the fur will receive shadows or not |
rimLightingTint |
Color |
The tint of the rim lighting effect applied to the fur |
rimLightingStrength |
float |
Multiplies the strength of the rim lighting effect to boost it or dim it |
rimLightingPower |
float |
Controls the thickness of the rim lighting effect |
renderingSamples |
float |
How many rendering samples (shells) to use to render the fur |
mainTint |
Color |
The main tint to be applied to the fur |
colorMap |
Texture |
The main color texture for the fur (the albedo map) |
baseUVTiling |
Vector4 |
The base tiling and offset to apply to the color and normal maps |
furStrandsAsset |
FurStrandsAsset |
The FurStrandsAsset that describes the appearance of the fur |
furStrandsTexture |
Texture |
Optionally, an external fur strands map |
furStrandsTiling |
float |
The tiling to apply to the fur strands |
doubleSided |
bool |
Whether the fur will be rendered with a double sided material or not |
furLength |
float |
The length of the fur |
furThickness |
float |
The fur’s thickness |
furThicknessCurve |
float |
The thickness variation from the root to the tip of a fur strand |
useCurlyFur |
bool |
Whether to use the curly fur properties or not |
curlyFurParameters |
Vector4 |
Curliness ( X, Y ) and size of the curl twists ( Z, W ) |
emissiveFur |
bool |
Whether emissive fur will be used or not |
emissiveTint |
Color (HDR) |
The HDR color used for the emission channel |
useLegacyColorVariation |
bool |
Whether color variation will use the legacy method |
legacyColorVariationMap |
Texture |
A texture that defines color variation through its color channels |
furNoiseShadingTiling |
float |
The tiling of the procedural noise variation pass |
noiseShadingTint0 |
Color |
First tint for color variation |
noiseShadingTint1 |
Color |
Second tint for color variation |
noiseShadingTint2 |
Color |
Third tint for color variation |
noiseShadingTint3 |
Color |
Fourth tint for color variation |
mainFurStrandBoost |
float |
A boost / multiplier for the color of the main fur strands |
secondaryFurStrandBoost |
float |
A boost / multiplier for the color of the secondary fur strands |
useVertexData |
bool |
Whether to use the Baked Vertex Data mode or not |
furDataMap |
Texture |
The fur data map, used for fur styling |
furGroomingMap |
Texture |
The fur grooming map, used for fur styling |
groomStrength |
float |
The strength of the grooming effect over the fur |
windStrengthMultiplier |
float |
Multiplies the global wind strength for this particular instance |
normalMap |
Texture |
The normal map to apply to the fur |
selfOcclusionStrength |
float |
The strength of the self-shadowing effect |
selfOcclusionCurve |
float |
The variation of the shadowing effect over the strand of fur |
selfOcclusionTint |
Color |
The tint for the self-shadowing effect |
roughness |
float |
The roughness of the fur. Less roughness makes it shinier |
metallic |
float |
The metallness of the fur. |
specularTint |
Color |
The tint applied to the specularity of the fur material |