Installing XFur Studio™ into your project is fairly easy, but there are a few considerations to take into account depending on the exact edition you are using. XFur Studio™ 4 comes in 4 different editions:
XFur Studio™ 4 – Personal Edition
XFur Studio™ 4 – Team Edition
XFur Studio™ 4 – URP Edition
XFur Studio™ 4 – Core Edition
The Personal and Team Edition are the same content-wise. The URP Edition is a fully featured version of the software but limited to URP support, while the Core Edition contains only the most basic features for both URP and the Legacy / Built-in rendering pipelines.
For all editions, you can Download the asset directly from the Package Manager. Once downloaded, you can import it into your project and a dialog box showing all the content available for import will be displayed.
When installing the Personal, Team or Core Editions you must deselect any folders that do not belong to the rendering pipeline you are using for your project. This means that for URP projects, for example, you must deselect the “Legacy RP” folder within the “Demos” folder, as well as the “Legacy RP” folder within the root folder of the asset. For Legacy RP projects, the “Universal RP” and “High Definition RP” folders within the root and “Demos” folders must be deselected instead.
Example of content selection for the Universal Rendering Pipeline
Example of content selection for the High Definition Rendering Pipeline
When using the URP edition you can safely import all the contents of the asset.
Once all of the content of the asset has been imported into your project, if you are using the Core, Personal or Team Editions of the asset, you will need to unpack the unitypackage file that matches your Unity version more closely from within the folder that matches your current rendering pipeline (if you are using the High Definition or Universal Rendering Pipelines). You must do this for the Demos as well.
Example of the different Shader unity packages for different Unity versions with Universal RP
Example of the different Demo unity packages for different Unity versions with Universal RP