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  4. Styling Fur with XFur Stu...
  5. Settings Tool

Settings Tool

This is the Settings tool. With it we control the general settings for the rendering of the fur of our Tiger. We can also enable / disable different rendering and styling features.

  • Experimental Features: With this setting we can enable the use of experimental rendering features. At launch, XFur Studio™ 4 has no such features, but they may become available in later releases.

  • Fur Strands Asset: The asset that defines the appearance of the strands. For this tutorial, we will select the Fur Strands Asset – 2.

  • Rendering Samples: Controls the amount of samples or shells of fur that will be rendered. More shells produce higher quality fur strands at the cost of performance. Each shell renders the model one more time, increasing polygon counts. Always keep the poly counts and rendering samples of fur covered meshes as low as possible.

  • Fur Strands Tiling: The tiling applied to the Fur Strands Map. The higher the tiling, the thinner each strand will appear and the fuller the fur will look.

  • Double Sided Fur: Renders the fur as a double-sided mesh.

  • Use Light Probes: Whether the fur will support the use of light probes in the scene. This is limited by the compatibility between Unity’s Light Probes and GPU instancing.

  • Cast Shadows: Whether the fur will cast shadows or not.

  • Receive Shadows: Whether the fur will receive shadows or not.

  • *Curly Fur: Enables the settings to generate curly fur by twisting the strands as they get longer.

  • *Emissive Fur: Enables the settings to add emission effects to the fur itself.

*Not available in XFur Studio™ 4 – Core Edition

A comparison between high Rendering Samples counts and Low Rendering Samples counts

For our tiger, we will set the Fur Strands Tiling to 16 and the Rendering Samples to 16. We will leave all the other settings untouched.

Let’s switch now to the Properties Tool.