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  5. Baking Fur Data

Baking Fur Data

If you mark both the Fur Data and the Fur Grooming maps as Read/ Write enabled in their import settings a new option will appear in XFur Studio™ Designer under the Export / Load tool:

Baking all Data allows you to transfer the fur styling and grooming from the textures to the mesh’s UV3 and color channels. This operation will create a brand new mesh (all XFur Studio™ operations are non-destructive towards your original art) and automatically assign it to the Mesh / Skinned Mesh Renderer.

To switch to the Vertex-Baked Data mode, you must enable it in the main settings of the XFur Studio Instance Component.

Important Notice: Once Baked, the fur styling can no longer be modified through modules nor XFur Studio™ API commands unless a Fur Data Map and a Fur Grooming Map are provided again. The Physics, VFX, LOD, Decals and Simple Bending modules will work as intended.

You can also watch a video timelapse showing this tutorial on our Youtube channel.