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  4. Built-in Modules
  5. Randomization Module

Randomization Module

The randomization module allows you to generate endless variations for your characters by manipulating all fur parameters at runtime within certain specific rules.

The randomization module can be run in three different modes: Randomized values, Pick Random Profile, and Randomize Values and Profiles.

The randomization can be triggered automatically upon Start or manually through code. When using the Randomize Values mode you can provide a series of alternative values for most fur parameters on a per-material basis. When active, the Randomization module will generate a new variant by selecting random values for each parameter that are located between their original values and the alternative values provided by you.

When using the Pick Random Profile mode, a list of Fur profiles is provided to the module for it to pick one at random. If you select the Randomize Values and Profiles mode each parameter will be randomized between the values of the original parameters and those of a random profile from the list.

For any randomization mode, you can select whether to randomize only the general fur parameters or also the different textures and even the Strands Asset, which can allow you to have an almost infinite number of variations.