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  5. LOD Module

LOD Module

The Dynamic LOD module allows you to dynamically adjust the quality and features of XFur depending on the distance between the character and the camera. It is compatible with the standard Unity LOD Group component, adding fur to each active LOD level when needed and aiding you to keep a stable performance.

The component will ensure that the amount of fur samples goes from the Min Fur Samples amount towards the Max Fur Samples amount as the camera gets closer to the model, having Min Distance and Max Distance (measured from the model to the current camera) as the limits for fur rendering.

Pressing the Sync with LOD Group button will automatically find the LOD Group component attached next to the XFur Studio™ Instance component, read the first Renderer assigned to each LOD Level and automatically add fur to it when needed

Important Notice: The Sync with LOD Group feature works only on the first renderer attached to each LOD Level. If your character is made of multiple renderers or the mesh using fur is NOT the first renderer assigned to each LOD Level, you should not use the Synch with LOD Group button. Instead, you may add new LOD Renderers manually.

Another feature available with the Dynamic LOD module is Overdraw reduction. IT allows you to reduce the amount of passes of fur directly in front of the camera, where they are less noticeable, in order to improve performance slightly on older devices.

XFur Studio™ 4 working with the LOD Group component to sync the fur to each LOD Renderer