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  5. Differences between editions

Differences between editions


XFur Studio™ 4 comes in 4 different editions:

  • XFur Studio™ 4 – Personal Edition

  • XFur Studio™ 4 – Team Edition

  • XFur Studio™ 4 – URP Edition

  • XFur Studio™ 4 – Core Edition

The Personal and Team Edition are the same content-wise. The URP Edition is a fully featured version of the software but limited to URP support, while the Core Edition contains only the most basic features for both URP and the Legacy / Built-in rendering pipelines. Below you can find a full breakdown of all the differences between the different editions.


XFur Studio™ 4

Core Edition

XFur Studio™ 4

URP Edition

XFur Studio™ 4

Personal / Team Edition

GPU Accelerated Fur (with Vertex Buffers)

Universal Rendering Pipeline Support

High Definition Rendering Pipeline Support

Legacy (Built-in) Rendering Pipeline Support

Advanced Fur Coloring and Tint variation

Fur styling + grooming within the Unity Editor

Fur styling + grooming at runtime through the XFur Studio™ API

Fur styling at runtime with Painter objects

Bake fur styling and grooming to mesh

Motion Vectors for URP (Unity 6+)

Motion Vectors for HDRP (Unity 2021+)

Emissive Fur Rendering

Curly Fur Rendering

GPU accelerated Physics

GPU accelerated weather sim

UV based decals

Touch bending spheres support

Dynamic masking through textures

Dynamic LOD & LOD component support

Spawn-time Randomization support

Custom modules support

Source code access

Tiger demo scene