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  5. Dynamic Masks Module (Beta)

Dynamic Masks Module (Beta)

A brand new module has been added to XFur Studio 3 in version 3.3.0, called the Dynamic Masks Module. It allows you to add a stack of grayscale textures that modify which regions of the fur are covered. This module can help you to remove fur from your characters when, for example, they are wearing an outfit. Using it is quite simple:

Enable the module on the Modules tab of the XFur Studio 3 Instance. Then, add new slots of Grayscales to the list, and assign any grayscales that you wish to use. Black represents no-fur, while white represents keep-fur.

If you remove a mask (either at runtime or in the inspector) it will be considered as white, and have no effect. You can assign masks at runtime or remove them by accessing the List variable dynamicMasks within the DynamicMasks module in your XFurStudioInstance object.